

RECYC-QUÉBEC works closely with all stakeholders in the residual materials management value chain to implement concrete, efficient and sustainable solutions to improve the performance of curbside recycling in Quebec and develop high value-added markets.


Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques

The Ministère operates in the following areas:

  • Devising and implementing policies, bills, draft regulations, and programs aimed primarily at:
    • preventing and reducing water, air, and soil contamination;
    • fighting and adapting to climate change;
    • ensuring the quality of drinking water;
    • managing water resources sustainably;
    • Conserving biodiversity;
    • reducing, reclaiming, and managing residual materials;
  • Coordinating the government’s approach to sustainable development within the public service;
  • Devising, coordinating, and implementing strategies for fighting and adapting to climate change;
  • Protecting Québec’s ecosystems and biodiversity through the development of a network of protected areas and safeguarding endangered or vulnerable floristic species and their habitats;
  • Conducting environmental assessments of projects and strategic evaluations of environmental issues;
  • Overseeing environmental protection law and regulation enforcement, especially through authorization and permit application analysis, inspections, inquiries and administrative recourse;
  • Managing the land of Québec’s public water property, especially by operating public dams and monitoring dam safety;
  • Observing and gathering knowledge about ecosystems and their components;

  • Maintaining intergovernmental and international relations in its areas of interest.